On Being a Twin
I didn’t start my journey alone! My twin brother arrived fourteen minutes before I did, and we have been collaborating together ever since. We arrived a month early and spent some time incubators.
Having a twin has been an amazing blessing. I was born with my best friend - someone who has always been there for me. Paul and I started off making comic books in elementary school, and later on in middle and high schools we launched our own company to produce and distribute our own movies, and magazines.
We loved to #CreateBravely - and we never stopped!
I was born in Toronto, Canada (along with Paul, of course!). Our parents and brother and sister had emigrated from England. We then moved to the USA and the final sibling, another sister was born. Most of my childhood was in Chelmsford MA. Our holidays were always family camping trips, with tales around the campfire.
Scouting was an important part of growing up and taught me skills of working with others and completing goals. After a lot of work and learning, I was awarded the rank of Eagle Scout. Recently I was humbled and honored by receiving the Distinguished Eagle Award, given to Eagle Scouts who have “made their mark” over a lifetime of service. I’m glad to be an example for other young people who are considering scouting or other youth development programs.
I was also very proud to support Sydney Ireland in her quest to become one of the first young women to attain the rank of Eagle Scout. She definitely made her mark!
My first job from university, was with a start up educational software firm Tom Snyder Productions (TSP) in 1983, when computers were new to the classroom. I learned the ed tech world from the ground up, and helped grow TSP into an award-winning classroom software company. When it was bought out, I started FableVision with support from by brother Paul, which now has grown over the years and includes FableVision Studios , which creates best-in-class digital learning media, as well as FableVision Learning, which provides creativity programs, professional development and support to school districts around the globe. My not-for-profit The Reynolds Center for Teaching Learning and Creative is a safe harbor for projects such as International Dot Day, and TLC Studios & Media Lab just outside Boston, where we teach creativity and digital media arts, as well as provide creativity recharge programs and retreats to give teachers the TLC they deserve!
Life Now
I live in Dedham, Massachusetts as does my brother Paul and his family. Dedham is famous for having the first publicly-supported, tax-funded school in the U.S. in 1644!
I have a son Henry Rocket, and a daughter Sarah who helped me become “GrandDude” to two beautiful grandchildren Thomas and Hazel (named after out mother!)
My days revolve around working on my book projects, doing keynotes, school visits, podcasts, online talks, making, and sipping coffee at my indie bookshop Blue Bunny Bookstore and espresso bar in our historic downtown of Dedham Square.
I am actively involved in civic projects in the town, and do what I can to ensure Dedham is a wonderful place to live and visit. As part of that mission, I founded the Dedham Square Circle - which works to help make Dedham an irresistibly wonderful place for generations of residents and visitors in the decades to come!